Emojicode Documentation 1.0 beta 2
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Installing Emojicode 1.0 beta 2


Before you install Emojicode make sure you have a C++ compiler and linker installed. clang++ or g++ are fine, for instance. The Emojicode compiler can only link binaries if such a compiler is available.

Magic Installation

The magic installation is the easiest way to install Emojicode. Select your operating system and copy’n’paste the below commands into your shell. The script will download the appropriate Emojicode binaries and run the installer.

The installer will tell you what it is about to do and will prompt you for confirmation.

If you're on Windows 10, you can use Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10 to install and use Emojicode. From there, simply select Linux as your OS and proceed as specified above.

We recommend that you choose the latest.
If you’re unsure, just leave it like it is.
curl -o emojicode.tar.gz -L https://github.com/emojicode/emojicode/releases/download/v1.0-beta.2/Emojicode-1.0-beta.2-Darwin-x86_64.tar.gz \
&& tar -xzf emojicode.tar.gz && rm emojicode.tar.gz \
&& cd Emojicode-1.0-beta.2-Darwin-x86_64 && ./install.sh \
&& cd .. && rm -r Emojicode-1.0-beta.2-Darwin-x86_64

Try Emojicode without Installing

You can even try Emojicode by only downloading it. Download the prebuilt binaries and extract the tar file and navigate into the extracted directory:

tar -xzf Emojicode-VERSION-YOUR-PLATFORM.tar.gz

You’re ready to go! Try this, for example:

echo '🏁 🍇
  😀 🔤Hello World!🔤❗️
🍉' > hello.emojic
./emojicodec hello.emojic  # Compile it
./hello  # Run it!

Installing for Arch Linux

Install the emojicode package from the AUR using your favourite AUR helper or the manual git/makepkg method.


If you see a message like the one below

sh: 1: c++: not found

try exporting the name of your C++ compiler like in the below example:

export CXX=clang++  # or g++ or whatever your compiler is

Manual Installation

  1. Download the prebuilt binaries for your system and extract the tar file. For instance:

    tar -xzf Emojicode-VERSION-YOUR-PLATFORM.tar.gz
  2. Run the install.sh script in the extracted directory:


    You can find more information about the installer above.

Very Manual Installation

If the installer doesn’t work for you or you simply don‘t want to use it, you can also copy things into place yourself.

  1. Download the prebuilt binaries for your system and extract the tar file.

  2. Copy emojicodec (the compiler executable) to the place you keep executables.

  3. Copy the contents of the packages somewhere where the Emojicode Compiler can find it.

    One of these locations is /usr/local/EmojicodePackages. See Package Search Paths for more information.

  4. Finally, you should copy the contents of include into a directory named emojicode in your C++ compiler’s search path.

    The installer, for example, copies it to /usr/local/include/emojicode.

Building from Source

Instruction to build Emojicode from source can be found in the GitHub repository.

Next Up: “Compile and Run Your First Program” →
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