Emojicode Documentation 1.0 beta 2
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Protocols define methods for special functionality. Protocols only describe the methods a type must offer to support this functionality. Types can conform to protocols by implementing all methods and declaring the conformation.

Defining a protocol defines a type. All types that agree to that protocol are compatible to this type.


The syntax to define a protocol is simliar to the way of defining a class:

protocol ⟢ 🐊 type-identifier [generic-parameters] πŸ‡ protocol-body πŸ‰
protocol-body ⟢ protocol-method | protocol-method protocol-body
protocol-method ⟢ [documentation-comment] [⚠️] mood emoji-id arguments return-type

For example:

🐊 πŸ’Ώ πŸ‡

Here we declared a protocol named πŸ’Ώ. All classes that conform to this protocol will have to implement the method 🎢. This protocol doesn’t tell us anything about the actual type but we do know that all types that conform to πŸ’Ώ are capable of playing music and therefore must provide the 🎢 method.

You can use the ❗️ to require instance methods inside the 🐊 body. At present it is not possible to require initializers or type methods.


To make a class conform to a protocol you must declare that it conforms to the protocol using the conformance syntax:

protocol-conformance ⟢ 🐊 type

Let us declare a class that conforms to πŸ’Ώ.

πŸ‡ πŸ“± πŸ‡
  🐊 πŸ’Ώ

  πŸ†• πŸ‡πŸ‰

  ❗️ 🎢 πŸ‡
    πŸ˜€ πŸ”€LalalalaπŸ”€β—οΈ

The actual statement to achieve this is 🐊 protocolName, where protocolName must be the type name of the protocol, and can occur everywhere in the class body.

Promises also apply when implementing protocol methods. An extension can also make a class conform to a protocol.

Calling Methods on Values of Protocol Type

Methods on protocol values are called like any other methods:

πŸ–πŸ†• cd_like πŸ’Ώ
πŸ†•πŸ“±β—οΈ ➑️ πŸ– cd_like
🎢 cd_like❗️


It might happen that you’ll need to deal with values of types that implement several protocols. For instance, you might want to provide a method which requires an argument that can be accessed with 🐽️ and can be compared as defined by the πŸ’Ώ protocol. This is where multiprotocols are of service.

You can use a multiprotocol type like so:

🍱 πŸ½οΈπŸšπŸ”‘πŸ† πŸ’Ώ 🍱

For instance, when declaring the arguments to a method:

❗️ 🌈 a 🍱 πŸ½οΈπŸšπŸ”‘πŸ† πŸ’Ώ 🍱 πŸ‡
  πŸ’­ ...

As expected, a can now be used both as an instance of a type conforming to πŸ½οΈπŸšπŸ”‘πŸ† and as an insatnce of a type conforming to πŸ’Ώ.

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